◄ Wishful Thinking ►

alienation autism autistic thinking avoidance mechanism bamboozlement befooling blame-shifting blind faith bluffing calculated deception circumvention compensation conning credulity credulousness daydream daydreaming deceiving deception deceptiveness decompensation defense mechanism defrauding delusion delusiveness dereism dereistic thinking displacement disposition to believe dissociation dotage dreamery dupery ease of belief emotional insulation enmeshment ensnarement entanglement entrapment escape escape into fantasy escape mechanism escapism fallaciousness fallacy falseness fantasizing fantasy flight flight of fancy flimflam flimflammery fond illusion fondness fooling gross credulity hallucination hoodwinking ideal idealism ideality idealization illusion imaginative exercise impracticality infatuation isolation kidding mirage negativism nostalgia outwitting overcompensation overcredulity overcredulousness overopenness to conviction overreaching overtrustfulness phantasm play of fancy projection psychotaxis putting on quixotism quixotry rash conviction rationalization resistance romance romanticism self-deception snow job sociological adjustive reactions song and dance spoofery spoofing sublimation substitution subterfuge swindling trickiness tricking trustfulness uncritical acceptance uncriticalness unpracticalness unquestioning belief unrealism unreality unripe acceptation unskepticalness unsuspectingness unsuspiciousness utopianism victimization vision visionariness will to believe willful misconception willingness to believe wish fulfillment wish-fulfillment fantasy wishful belief wishfulness wistful eye wistfulness withdrawal yearnfulness


Wishful Thinker
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